Consolidating content into a central hub with QNTM connect


Today I wanted to talk about ways to consolidate content into a centralised Content Hub automatically, a challenge that’s actually quite common but very frequently overlooked. 

There are a few situations when this might occur, most often involving WordPress driven blogs but (and I might be showing my age now!) but ‘back in the day’ you’d also have other large blogging platforms such as blogger, LiveJourney and GeoCities. Now, I’m not saying you would want to migrate that content created back in 2005 by a marketing team that was playing about with a GeoCities page – that content may be best left in the Web 1.0 world, but you may well have some real content ‘gems’ that were created on WordPress blogs that contain some ‘evergreen’ content that you’d want to pull into a central content hub for archiving and reference purposes.  

You may also be on a migration journey where you are trying to gather all that content made by different business units using WordPress as their tool of choice and you now want to bring that under central management and control under a unified system.  

In our scenario for discussion, we are of course talking about bringing content into Ibexa DXP and from WordPress. Whilst the guide below uses WordPress as an example (given that this is a very common platform for content creation) this automation applies to virtually any site that has RSS capability:

As you can see, by utilising QNTM connect, migrating content from WordPress blogs is a relatively straightforward process – the user friendly interface and the fact that it is a low code / no code solution makes it easy to migrate content from wordpress blogs a simple and stress-free task. 

Going Further with QNTM Connect

The scenario outlined above is just one of many that can be automated with QNTM Connect. with over 1300+ App connectors available, there are no limits to the level of automation you can achieve with little to no code. Whether it is a simple sync between Ibexa and your favourite email marketing tool of something more complex with integrations to multiple systems at the same time, QNTM Connect has you covered. 


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